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Public Works

Road Maintenance Agreements

Section 22 of The Municipalities Act provides authority for municipalities to enter into a Road Maintenance Agreement with haulers, shippers or receivers of delivered goods. Please contact the office for more information relating to such agreements. 

Bulk Water Fill Stations

The R.M. has two bulk water fill stations that are located in the Village of Kisbey. One station is located off of the Kisbey firehall building on 880 Railway Avenue. The most recently added fill station is located across from the R.M. office on 760 Railway Avenue, which is operated  by key fobs only. Key fobs are available for pick-up at the R.M. office during business hours and require a $30.00 deposit as the fob is for you to keep.

We offer custom work to rate-payers only. Custom work is broken down into grading roads/lanes, snow blowing lanes ,mowing lanes and hauling gravel. In order to have custom work done, a rate-payer must fill out the Custom Work Form.

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Well stations are highlighted in yellow.
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