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Subdividing Land
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The Rural Municipality Subdivision Process
Subdivision is the process in which a parcel of land is divided into two or more parcels, in order to obtain separate legal titles for each parcel. The provincial Community Planning Branch with the Ministry of Government Relations is the approving authority for subdividing land in the R.M. All applications for subdivision must be submitted to Community Planning in order to begin the process. A plan of the proposed subdivision must be prepared by a Saskatchewan land surveyor or a registered professional planner.
Once the application has been submitted, it's then sent to the R.M., utility companies and other government offices. You may be contacted for more details. Applications are reviewed to ensure they follow provincial and municipal planning standards such as;
flood protection and slope stability;
planning and zoning bylaw land-use controls;
utility and servicing agreements;
minimum and maximum site dimensions;
health requirements such as plumbing systems;
compatibility with surrounding land uses;
the availability of a suitable water supply and sewage disposal;
legal and physical access to a public road;
traffic safety and highway access;
protection of heritage resources and rare species; and
provision of public lands such as roads and parks.
​No binding contracts or construction for the land should be made or site preparation work should be started until the Ministry of Government Relations completes the application review and issues a decision.